UPSC CAPF (Assistant Commandant) Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2024

The UPSC CAPF Selection Process consists of three main stages: the Written examination, the Medical test, and the PET.

UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2024

  1. Written Examination
  2. Physical Test
  3. Interview

CAPF Exam Pattern

PaperPaper I (General Abilityand Intelligence)Paper II (General Studies,Essay, and Comprehension)
Total Questions125 (MCQ)6 (Descriptive)
Duration2 Hours3 Hours


Syllabus for Paper 1 is divided into six subjects.

  • General Mental Ability
  • General Science
  • Current Events of National International Importance
  • Indian Polity Economy
  • Indian History
  • Indian World Geography
Paper 1General Mental AbilityLogical reasoning Quantitative ability including numerical ability and interpretation of data.
General ScienceDeveloping a scientific temperament and comprehending and appreciating everydayobservations of scientific phenomena, including emerging fields such as informationtechnology, biotechnology, and environmental science.
Current Events of National International ImportanceNational and international events of significance in areas including culture, music, arts,literature, sports, governance, societal and developmental issues, industry, business,globalization, and international relations.
Indian Polity EconomyIndia’s political system and constitution: Understanding of India’s political structure,constitution, social systems, and public administration. Knowledge of India’s economicdevelopment, security issues, human rights, and related indicators.
Indian HistoryNationalism and freedom movement: Topics related to the growth and historicalmovements for freedom.
Indian World GeographyThe syllabus will encompass the study of both Indian and global geography,including physical, social, and economic aspects.


Paper 2 has descriptive-type questions that must be answered according to the Commission’s guidelines. It is important to note that only candidates who meet the CAPF in Paper 1 will be evaluated for Paper 2.

PaperTopicCAPF Syllabus
Paper 2Essaysyllabus includes key topics such as modern Indian history, with a specific focus on thefreedom struggle, as well as geography, politics, economy, knowledge of securityand human rights issues, and analytical ability.
Comprehension, précis writing language skillsSyllabus includes subjects such as reading comprehension, précis writing, developingcounterarguments, basic grammar, and other aspects of language testing.

UPSC CAPF PET Assistant Commandant

100 Meters Race16 Seconds18 Seconds
800 Meters Race3 Min 45 Sec4 Min 45 Sec
Long Jump3.5 Meters (3 Chances)3.0 Meters (3 Chances)
Shot Put (7.26 Kgs)4.5 MetersNA

UPSC CAPF: Interview/Personality Test

Candidates who pass the CAPF AC written exam and PET can take the interview and personality test. The CAPF interview carries 150 points.

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